Alternate Medicine - Ayurveda / Aroma / Herbal / Therapies

Our ancient all time natural medicine n cure on most of the troubles in life.



Turmeric is revered in Ayurvedic medicine due to its many healing properties. This potent spice ,may help cleanse the liver, purify the blood and promote good digestion and elimination. The principal component of turmeric is that has anti-inflammatory qualities and is an antioxidant booster to combat viral infections, cancer and arthritis. Turmeric is also said to help boost appetite, improve cell health, lower blood pressure, help prevent stomach irritations, improve bile secretion and reduce pain.
Under the Ayurvedic system of healing, turmeric has been prescribed to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive issues, menstrual problems, arthritis, infections, jaundice, coughs and rheumatic pains. It is also used to cleanse the body. In Traditional Chinese medicine turmeric is used to deal with liver and gallbladder issues.
When the liver is working at optimum levels, it filters as much as 2 litres of blood per minute but the liver works best when bile production is increased. This is where Turmeric may be highly beneficial as it stimulates the production of bile which enhances the livers ability to cleanse and detoxify.
Turmeric is an excellent heart health herb that aids in the prevention and/or healing of inflammation. Turmeric has the ability to clean the blood which is essential to heart health and may help to rejuvenate tissues.
Curcumin, an active component of Turmeric has reportedly been found to aid in the prevention of blood clots and also protect against blood cholesterol rise from eating fatty foods.
Can be added to smoothies, salads and cooking.
Sourced from
courtesy - Authentic discovery.


For Strength and Endurance and Cancer and a Heart Protector.
So powerful is the garlic’s natural antibiotic qualities, it was used as a juice during World War 1 in field dressings to prevent gangrene. It can help clear infections of the... lungs and is a cure for coughs and colds.
Garlic is a super cleanser for the lymphatic system (great for detoxing the body), has probiotic properties and can be helpful in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections.
When it comes to the heart, garlic has been found during clinical trials to improve circulation, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, prevent the hardening of arteries and lessen the risk of blood clot formation.
Always check with your doctor first.
courtesy - Authentic discovery.


Honey for Heart Health, Calm, and Cleansing
For thousands of years honey was used as an antibacterial. That was until the onset of new bacterial drugs appearing on the market took over. However we are thankfully relearning of honeys powerfu...l properties for good health.
Bastyr Centre for Natural Health website mentions a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (2004;1:100-7) where it was found that eating honey can lower the risk of heart disease. This article also mentions that some studies have suggested that eating honey can reduce blood levels of some markers that are linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
Honey is an antibacterial with enzymes, amino acids, pigments, pollen, wax, and traces of nutrients from both bees and plants.
Other benefits of honey:
• Has a calming effect on the mind
• Promotes sleep
• Helps indigestion
• Helps to disinfect and heal minor skin wounds and chapped lips
• Appears to lower C-reactive protein
• Assists in the rapid healing of burns
• May have less impact on blood glucose, insulin, and lipid levels compared to glucose
• Is increasingly showing promise as an aid in rapidly clearing infection, swelling and pain and inflammation
Replace your sugar with raw organic honey. Why keep using a substance which has consistently shown to be detrimental to health when you can switch to a much more healthy alternative and further improves your health.
courtesy - Authentic discovery.

 Black Pepper

Health Benefits of " Black Pepper "
1 ) Cancer : Black pepper helps Fight Cancer - Research has revealed that pepper exerts a free-radical scavenging activity, and thus may assist in preventing some cancers and slow the growth of cancer cells.An alkaloid named, piperine found in black pepper is responsible to enhance the bioavailability of some nutritional substances and drugs and also have Anti-Carcinogenic Properties.
İt decrease susceptibility to Skin Cancers which is caused by excess ultraviolet radiation.

2 ) Cold & Flu : Black pepper helps relieve cough and colds - Pepper's Antibacterial properties also make it an effective remedy for respiratory conditions including Colds, Coughs and Flu. Pepper's spiciness clears congestion and helps Clear up Sinusitis. It is a good treatment for respiratory conditions like Asthma, whooping cough

* The Antibacterial property of black pepper helps to fight against İnfections, İnsect Bites etc.
** Pepper added diet helps to keeping your Arteries Clean.

3 ) Natural Anti-Depressant : Black pepper may be used as a natural antidepressant . İt improved cognitive function and stimulated the Central Nervous System and promotes the absorption of nutrients like Selenium, Vitamin B, Curcumin and Beta-Carotene to all the tissues of the body, thus improving overall health.

4 ) Healthy Digestive : the health of the digestive tract. It improves digestion and promote İntestinal Health. Also it stimulates the taste buds in such a way that an alert is sent to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion. Black pepper also alleviates conditions such as Hemorrhoids, Gas, Constipation, Colic and also Loss of Appetite.Black pepper could also helpful in reducing inflammation and stimulates appetite which is helpful in treating
* Anorexics and people with Eating Disorders.

5 ) Powerful Antioxidant: Pepper has a rich natural content of phenols, organic chemicals that have strong antioxidant properties.
An antioxidant, like pepper, can prevent or repair the damage caused by the free radicals and thus helps to prevent cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases and Liver Problems.

6 ) Black pepper has a property like Diaphoretic (promotes sweating), and Diuretic (promotes urination)

7 ) Natural Anti-İnflammatory : Black pepper reduces İnflammation - Research has revealed that pepper's active ingredient, piperine, has natural anti-inflammatory effects.

8 ) Black pepper improves Dental Health: Pepper also fight against Tooth Decay and provide relief from Toothache.

9 ) Helps to Lose Weight : The outer layer of peppercorn assists in the breakdown of fat cells. Hence, peppery foods are a good way to help you shed weight. The outer layer of the peppercorn contains substances that boost fat metabolism.

*Adding black pepper to foods may Help in the Treatment of Obesity.

10 ) Enhances Bioavailability: Black Pepper helps in Transporting the Benefits of other herbs to different parts of body.

11 ) According to Ayurveda, Black Pepper also helps avoid Ear-Ache and Gangrene. It is also good for conditions of Hernia, Hoarseness , It relieves Joint Pain.

*** Precaution: Pepper may cause Sneezing.
Patients who’ve undergone abdominal surgery should not take pepper added diet because pepper has an irritating effect on the intestines. It is also not good for people with Ulcers. Black pepper should not be taken in high concentration.



Not only is the banana choc a block full of nutrients, it can help protect your heart, control blood pressure, strengthen bones, a great brain food, calms the nerves and too many more to list here. By giving yourself a ‘shot’ of b...anana you can help induce serotonin and norepinephrine (feel good hormones) which helps overcome depression.
The banana is high in potassium, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, Niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, fibre – including other small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Plus of course the 100’s of other components which scientists have not even discovered yet.
So next time you’re about to swallow a vitamin pill, eat a nutrient rich banana instead which still retains its life force and living enzymes you will not see in a pill.
courtesy - Authentic discovery.

Love n Light n God Bless Always♥♥♥
